Wednesday 4 March 2020

Top Demand Generation Strategies to Achieve the Desired Outcome

Demand generation may sound similar to lead generation, but is quite different and comes with its own set of challenges. Essentially, demand generation is nothing but conducting highly targeted marketing programs to build brand awareness, generate the interest of viable leads and guide them through the sales funnel.

Here are some demand generation strategies that can help you gain the maximum returns -

Host Live Events and Webinars

Such events are the best option to meet your potential customers in person. You can provide them a firsthand account on how your solution can benefit the prospects’ business. Moreover, most of the attendees to these events are likely to have buying authority. This can lead to a shorter sales cycle.

If you cannot host live events, you can team up with big names in your industry to conduct webinars. This will tremendously help you in building brand awareness and establish valuable connections with industry influencers.

Give Away Free Material

Create a free tool or demo that will give your prospects an idea of how it can solve their problem. You can even give away educational material like ebooks and infographics. Doing so will help your prospects trust you and make it easier for them to come back to your website and solution.

Create Quality Content

Creating relevant and useful content is more important than ever before. Regularly posting content in different formats, and on multiple channels helps your prospects learn about your solution, brand, and your expertise in the industry.

Use Email Marketing Strategy Effectively

Email marketing is a powerful marketing tool. You can use emails to generate interests in your prospects about your product or service. It is also a great way to keep your existing customers in the loop about your brand and offer incentives to ensure customer loyalty.


Demand generation is one of the most effective ways to build brand awareness and bring in quality leads. By identifying your target audience, you can conduct targeted marketing activities that will fetch the right leads that turn into revenue-generating customers.

TSL Consulting Pvt Ltd is an integrated marketing company based in India. We offer customized outbound marketing, digital marketing and data profiling services to a wide spectrum of small and mid-sized organizations.

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