Tuesday 30 March 2021

Does SEO require so much patience?

 The way Google algorithms work, unless you consistently post user-focused content, work on earning quality backlinks, and practice ethical SEO techniques, you will not be indexed by the search engine. Once you start doing so, Google will start rewarding you with a gradual climb in ranking until you appear among the top results. And with nearly every online business practicing SEO, it will indeed take a few months before you see the desired outcome. Even then, you will have to continue practicing SEO to maintain your position.

If you do see a website ranking in a suspiciously short amount of time, they have most likely followed some black hat SEO shortcuts. They may enjoy the dominant position for a while, but it will not take long for Google to notice something amiss and penalize the website. After all, if Rome had indeed been built in a day, all the wonderful architectures we admire today would have long been crumbled to dust, wouldn’t they?

It might take a few, or maybe even several months to reach the position you desire, but with persistent efforts you will certainly achieve it!

Short form vs Long form Content : The Eternal Dilemma

This kind of difference in opinion is not surprising, as there are schools of thought supporting both forms. Both forms have their own benefits. Short blog posts have proven to be helpful in tackling the lowering attention spans of your readers. On the other hand, statistics show that long blog posts can improve your ranking, bring more traffic and increase user engagement.

So, when I am asked to recommend short or long-form content by clients, I answer that there is no one right choice for ideal content length. I advise them not to restrict their ideas to pre-conceived notions of which length works better.

There is one other downside of sticking to a fixed content length. If you create only long posts, you might have to include filler content to reach the designated number of words. Vice versa, you might miss out on a vital point in order to wrap up the post within a lower word count.

How well your content will perform does not depend upon its length. Instead of fixating on content length, focus on providing value to your readers through every single word. Once you do this, the length will cease to matter.

Friday 16 October 2020

Expanding your brand's digital footprint

 The larger your brand's digital footprint is, the easier it will be for your target audience to find you online, especially in today's a digitally connected world.

Let us see how B2B marketing companies can strategically expand their digital footprint -


Your website is one of the most important digital marketing channels and the top source of information about your brand. Focus on having a professional, user-friendly website optimized for SEO and content.

Social presence

It is not enough to merely post content or offers on social media. Actively engage your customers and target audience in meaningful conversations by responding to their comments and participating in relevant group discussions.


Value-driven content is one of the best ways to increase your brand visibility, and attract new customers to your business through inbound marketing.

Useful tips to increase your conversion rate

 Having visitors click on your website and read about your solutions in one thing, but making them take an action such as sign-up or purchase is a different game altogether. A good conversion rate translates to a high sales volume and revenue. Let us have a look at the steps you can take to increase this coveted rate -


  Add customer testimonials and successful case studies to make your visitors more willing to further, engage with you

  Offer something of value such as a free ebook or a free trail in exchange for their contact information for sign up

  Keep your form fields to the minimum to make the process easier for your prospects

 Focus on a minimalistic website design with lots of whitespaces, so that the visitor is not overwhelmed or distracted by too many design elements

 Make your value proposition clear through simple, engaging, and relevant content

  Use customized and clear CTAs so that the visitor does not get confused regarding the next a step you expect him/her to take

Contact a digital marketing company for more information and help to increase your website's conversion rates.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

5 Sure-fire Ways to Get More Inbound Leads for Your Agency

Getting qualified leads – the bread and butter of every business. However, after spending countless hours on different strategies, many companies find that the amount of leads collected and the subsequent conversions is lesser than expected or desired.

Unlike the outbound lead generation tactics that involve actively getting in touch with your target prospects, inbound tactics seek to attract leads through useful content and take some time to work. Let us see how you can fine tune your inbound strategy to generate more leads -


Polish your lead generation forms

Often, marketers channel all their efforts into the content and design of a website or landing page, but overlook the final step of the lead generation process – the lead form. Even if they are interested in your content, most prospects are reluctant to give up their contact information. A plain, dull form can quickly turn them away.


To prevent this, you need to make your lead forms as interactive as possible. You can even use online tools for this purpose. Also, offering a useful resource such as a whitepaper, ebook or a free trial in exchange for sign up will encourage more subscriptions on your audience's part.

Optimize your email list

Growing your email list will ensure that you are sending emails to those people who have volunteered to hear from you, and are more inclined to have a need of or be interested in your offering. You can use the above mentioned tip to get more subscriptions and opt-ins for your emails. 

Leverage the outreach of webinars

Webinars are a great way to expand your digital outreach and invite just the audience you have in mind. They give you an opportunity to add to your credibility and be known as an industry expert. Provided you add to their knowledge through a valuable topic, you will be able to tap into a large pool of leads through webinars.

Start your own business blog

Blogging is another great way to showcase your industry expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader. Take time to research the type of content consumed by your target audience, and to identify common business challenges faced by them. An SEO-optimized blog that provides valuable content and shows a way to overcome these challenges will help attract more leads.

Post engaging videos on YouTube

With video marketing on the rise, the largest video platform and the second-largest search engine after Google is a great way to increase your online awareness and generate leads. Here are some options of valuable content you could provide through videos -

 Product demos

  Product tutorials

   Interviews with industry experts

   Customer testimonials and case studies

If you need help to boost your inbound marketing efforts, you can engage the services of a digital marketing company.

TSL Consulting Pvt Ltd is an integrated marketing company based in India. We offer customized outbound marketing, inbound marketing, digital marketing and data profiling services to a wide spectrum of small and mid-sized organizations.

Monday 5 October 2020

Benefits of content marketing for startups

When you are a newly minted business, you do not have enough budget to invest in the expensive television, radio or print ad campaigns. However, the need for creating brand awareness and acquire new customers is no less. 

Let us see what benefits the budget-friendly content marketing can bring to such start-ups -

  Producing and sharing content on social media helps you kick-start and increase your brand's online presence

  Creating valuable and original content demonstrates your industry expertise and helps start establishing yourself as a thought leader

 It is very easy to start – you can either start a blog, podcast or a vlog depending on your niche and target audience behavior

 SEO-optimized content offers you a huge potential to improve your search engine ranking, online visibility and organic traffic

  Offering helpful content that helps your target buyers arrive at an informed decision can greatly shorten your sales cycle

Contact a digital marketing company to get started with your content marketing campaign.

Wednesday 30 September 2020

Growing your brand with social media contests

Increasing brand awareness, getting customers to engage with your brand, increasing traffic to social media pages – there are many benefits to hosting a social media contest. It gives you a chance to grow a loyal following that can translate into increased leads and sales. 

Let us have a look at some tips and strategies to help you make the most of your contest -

  Choose the purpose of the contest (increasing website traffic, increasing brand engagement, increasing followers and so on) so that you can better optimize your strategy

 Build your email list by requesting people to sign up for entering the contest. This will help you stay in touch with them even after the contest is over

 Choose the format of the contest such as video contest, photo contest or giveaways based on your end goal

  Promote your contest far and wide on social media for maximum participation and online visibility. You can use online tools or a digital marketing company for effective promotion

Use a custom hashtag for your contest so that it can extend your online reach and generate more engagement