Friday 28 August 2020

3 Ways to Convert Organic Traffic into Quality Leads

So, you are getting a healthy amount of organic traffic to your website and are naturally very happy about it. However, this is only half the battle won. A large quantity of traffic will amount to little in the long run if it does not translate into leads and subsequent customer conversion.

Let us see some of the most effective ways to convert your organic traffic into quality leads -

Keep user intent in mind while creating content
While selecting keywords it is natural to gravitate towards those with the highest search volumes. While these are also important, it won’t do to forget that users are getting increasingly specific while searching for the product or service they need.

Do a thorough analysis of the type of content that is preferred by your target audience and gauge whether their intent is only to educate themselves or make a direct purchase.

Once you do this, make sure that your content reflects these intent-based keywords. As your website is already attracting organic traffic, you can simply improve your existing content instead of starting anew.

Give something in return of their personal information
Even if your visitors like your website, they can still be reluctant to hand over their contact information. Offering an incentive like a free ebook or a free trial in exchange for their email address will make them more willing to share the information, as they too are getting something beneficial in return.

Create landing pages whenever necessary
If you offer several products or services, your visitors may find your website content too generic or even irrelevant for them. They might not like trying to search through the entire website for the information that concerns their own business needs. In such cases, you can create highly specific landing pages tailored to a particular product or service, to encourage more lead generation. You can contact a digital marketing company to help you create highly-targeted landing pages designed for conversion.

TSL Consulting Pvt Ltd is an integrated marketing company based in India. We offer customized outbound marketing, inbound marketing, digital marketing and data profiling services to a wide spectrum of small and mid-sized organizations.

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